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Kaixin Farm

2014-07-17 11:23:31

    Close to the beautiful Chaobai River, Kaixin Farm covers an area of 1,800 acres and has more than 10,000 square meters of natural beach, nearly 40,000 square meters of outdoor barbecue area, more than 30,000 square meters of accommodation  and recreation area. With blue sky, sunny beach, jungle trees, villas and huts, it has formed unique waterfront beach landscape in Beijing. From April to October in each year, it holds “Kaixin Farm Beach Carnival”, in which there is beer drinking contest with prizes, rock performance, etc. It has set up DIY camping barbecue area for tourists and locals to have rest, barbecue and drink wine for fun. Besides, there is beach model show, beach volleyball contest, beach motorcycle ride; Chaobai water games, campfire, large barbecue, shows, jungle trench CS, agriculture tourism, picking and others.

Address: Guhoutong Village, Lucheng Town, Tongzhou District
Tel: 60574138    60574016   13501196312

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