Invoicing Agency

Item: invoicing agency

Legal basis: Circular of Beijing Local Taxation Bureau on Printing and Issuing Beijing Local Taxation Bureau Administration Methods about Tax Withholding or Collecting Commission

Service procedures: Download and fill in relevant forms and submit to local taxation office

Service agency: No.1 Taxation Office, [Address] No. 136 Yuqiao Middle Road, Tongzhou District, [Telephone] 8154-5522

                          Yuqiao Taxation Office, [Address] No. 136 Yuqiao Middle Road, Tongzhou District, [Telephone] 8154-5522

                          Foreign-related/Individual Business Taxation Office, [Address] No. 240 Yudaihe East Road, Tongzhou District [Telephone] 8088-5953

                          Xiji Taxation Office, [Address] Xiji Township, Tongzhou District, [Telephone] 6157-6201

                          Songzhuang Taxation Office, [Address] Zhengfu Road, Songzhuang Township, Tongzhou District, [Telephone] 6959-8382

                          Yongledian Taxation Office, [Address] Yongledian Township, Tongzhou District, [Telephone] 6956-3459

                          Yongshun Taxation Office, [Address] No. 55 Xinhua North Road, Tongzhou District, Tongzhou District, [Telephone] 8088-0320

                          Huoxian Taxation Office, [Address] Huoxian Township, Tongzhou District, [Telephone] 8058-6935

                          Zhangjiawan Taxation Office, [Address] South to Zhangjiawan Township People’s Government, Tongzhou District, [Telephone] 6150-3161

                          Majuqiao Taxation Office, [Address] South to original Dadushe Township People’s Government, [Telephone] 6158-5166

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